Delivery information
Nationwide and local Delivery Days
We deliver flowers from 9.00am to 5.30pm, Monday to Friday and 8.30am to 4.00pm on Saturday. Unfortunately, we do not deliver on Sundays but we are open 11a.m - 2 p.m for collection. If an order is received for a Sunday it will be delivered the next working day.
We will send our flowers nationwide via our ever-reliant relay service, florist must live up to a very high standard, so you are in very capable hands. Same day or next day delivery available. Any special requests please contact shop before ordering!
Same Day Delivery
Forgot a birthday, Anniversary or any other important date? Don’t worry we offer SAME DAY delivery to save your blushes, Orders before 1PM are guaranteed same day, orders after 1PM will be reviewed on the day dependant on area, workload etc.
Delivery Charges
Standard delivery: £7.00
Same day delivery: £10.00
A.M and P.M Delivery: £12.00
International delivery: £12.00
Local deliveries we aim to get delivered before 3pm but depending on workload could run over, below are a list of surrounding areas we deliver to;
Local Delivery Zones available from Millers Floral design: